The Modern Fund, the charitable non-profit entity of Team Modern received a $25,000 contribution through the Team Modern annual golf outing proceeds at Eagle’s Nest Country Club in Somerset, Kentucky on June 7th. With a perfect weather day for golf, Team Modern customers, vendors, and TM team members all participated in the fundraising event to help benefit Modern Fund to help those in need.
The following contest winners were just some of those who participated in the event:Longest putt hole #1: Lonnie Pruitt – Lonnies, Closet to pin #4: Phillip Duncan – East KY Power, Longest drive #7: Larry Walls – Fort Logan Trading Post, Closet to pin #8: Al Chandler, closest to the Hulk #10: Dan Williams – Tantus Tobacco, Closest to pin #13 Ross Haynes – Tobacco America, Longest drive #14 Marty Singleton-S&D Coffee & Tea, Closest to pin #13: Joyce Mondie-Lakewood Country Club and Shortest Drive #18 Rob Woodson-Woodson’s Shell.
Longest putt hole #1: Lonnie Pruitt – Lonnies
Closest to pin #4: Phillip Duncan – East KY Power
Longest drive #7: Larry Walls – Fort Logan Trading Post
Closest to pin #8: Al Chandler
Closest to the Hulk #10: Dan Williams – Tantus Tobacco
Closest to pin #13 Ross Haynes – Tobacco America
Longest drive #14 Marty Singleton-S&D Coffee & Tea,
Closest to pin #13: Joyce Mondie-Lakewood Country Club
Shortest Drive #18 Rob Woodson-Woodson’s Shell.
The Modern Fund is a non-profit 501c3 organization created by Team Modern to help customers, vendors, employees, and other families in need that live in our service area. The funds are used when qualified applicants encounter financial difficulties in life as a result of unexpected events such as health issues, loss, or other relevant needs. Anyone can make a contribution to the non-profit 501c3 organization anytime to help fund the needs of applicants received. If you are a customer/partner, vendor, or employee with Team Modern and are aware of someone that might qualify for assistance, contact Ava Lowery at Team Modern at 606-679-1178 for more information about this program. Thanks again to everyone that participated in this event!